Equity Development
Evidence-based Equity Plan for city departments

I-STARRT assists the Office of Human Rights and Equity (OHRE) with equity planning, implementation and evaluation for the City of New Orleans’ Equitable Governance Initiative. This plan will be grounded in advanced equity evidence-based research from cities around the world.
The plan development process includes several steps from Compiling the Evidence, to Producing an Equity Model, to Supporting OHRE in the Co-Creation of Equity Plans with City Departments, to Developing a Pathway to Equity, to Course Correcting, to Conducting Evaluations and Measuring Impact.
Products are generated for the implementation of each step. For example, an evidence-driven, validated and simplified Equity Model is produced with documentation of the scientific methods and distillation processes used.

Source: National League of Cities
I-STARRT utilizes Data Science to tackle the world’s greatest adversities through the study of large and complex data.
Our mission: to accumulate data-based strategies to alleviate chronic problems compounded by vast and complex issues once thought of as too large to solve – namely poverty, hunger, and violence – here and abroad. We unravel chronic and compounded vulnerabilities afflicting communities, just as a geneticist unravels a strand of DNA. Both proceed with the understanding that if there are discernible pathways into these malignant conditions, there must be facsimile pathways out.
By combining quantitative (economic, tax, housing, labor, etc.) and qualitative data (lived experiences) we can replicate and produce more precise pathways towards creating equity in areas that are proven to be under-resourced, disinvested and marginalized.
Through evidence-based prescriptives, we can provide cities with accelerated mechanisms to reverse or transform these issues from the root. We would no longer be treating the symptoms; we would be providing the cure. Though continuous validation of established data processes we can integrate community engagement and intentional harm reduction techniques to stamp out poverty in the long-term.
Dr. Singh’s current research focuses on New Orleans. She uses advanced research methods to map out the main drivers of inequity and violence over time, with the goal of identifying the structural tenets of poverty and deconstructing them to create pathways to equity and security.