Advancing shared global understanding and evaluating equitable development.

I-STARRT is a non-profit organization based in New Orleans, United States, using “Data Science”, or the study of large and complex data, to provide evidence-based strategies to alleviate some of the world’s most persistent problems such as poverty, hunger and violence, in the United States and in Africa.

We develop, accelerate technology transfer, combine Social Innovation and Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) to help improve human development and equity challenges.

Our Vision

Communities benefit from locally-led innovations leveraging technology and data to improve development outcomes.

Our Mission

support a narrative change in the collection and analysis of big data and application usage. By engaging communities on how they utilize technology to improve development outcomes, we can study, promote, and protect the technologically driven development gains.


Set of tools necessary to operate within an increasingly complex world. With a better understanding of the drivers of inequity and how they are related within a micro-environment, funders have the information they need to quantify impact within a complex system.

Vulnerability Needs Risk Mapping Tool for COVID


Urban Insecurity Index

We produce data, GIS mapping and methods that are shared throughout the Federal, State, City and local leadership community. 

Spatial Vulnerability

We produce a spatial analysis of existing vulnerability and risk analyses relating to social insecurities within a state, city or a local community.

Research & Policy

We take on ‘Pro-Poor’ data science projects, that look to explore, protect and expand technology that works for poor people.

Impact Analysis

We help determine the best ways to produce significant development gains, and solutions that will trigger and advance sustainable development goals (SDGs).

I-STARRT works with cities, governments, private sector, civil society and philanthropic institutions to operationalize equity.

Using community-engaged quantitative and qualitative research, I-STARRT combines the scale of big data with the power of endogenous knowledge. This complex systems approach allows key actors to spatially and temporally visualize micro-environments.

Advanced learning initiative

Center for data processing and insights which can lead to better decision and development strategy.

Data Science & Learning Lab

The Data Science & Learning Lab is a developmental lab where urban, peri-urban, and rural youth come to develop their ideas into apps, projects, and research. Students will to take the data science approach and extrapolate actual trends.

Advanced Coding Lab

The Advanced Coding Lab offers training in Data Science, Cybersecurity, Mobile App Design and Development. The Lab will enable students to empower their communities to interact with their own data and use their own data for their own development.