Equitable Development

We research and analyze one of the greatest untapped resources, the endogenous intelligence of resilient communities who perform untold contortions to survive poverty, hunger, disease and marginalization.

Evidence-based Equity Plan for City Departments

Technical Assistance toward a City-wide Equity Plan to be seamlessly deployed at the Department level.


Set of tools necessary to operate within an increasingly complex world. With a better understanding of the drivers of inequity and how they are related within a micro-environment, funders have the information they need to quantify impact within a complex system.

Vulnerability Needs Risk Mapping Tool for COVID


Our Practice Areas

Using community-engaged quantitative and qualitative research, we combine the scale of big data with the power of endogenous knowledge. 

  • Urban Insecurity
  • Spatial Vulnerability
  • Research & Policy
  • Impact Analysis

This complex systems approach allows key actors to spatially and temporally visualize micro-environments

Advanced Learning Initiative

Center for data processing and insights which can lead to better decision and development strategy. 

We strive to resolve the central problem with ICTs for the poor by engaging communities on how they utilize technology to improve development outcomes, and leveraging the use of big data to accelerate the development of global communities.

We Engage communities on how they utilize equity framework and big data to improve development outcomes

Leveraging the use of big data to accelerate the development of global communities.

Conducting research to conclusions to evidence-based policy recommendations.